Our sustainable offer Organic certified products

organic certified products

The market for organic certified products is expanding at a fast pace and health and even ethical considerations have an increasingly important role to play in the purchasing decisions of modern consumers.

This is why the hallmark of ecological and bioproducts is preserving soil, air and water for coming generations, eliminating chemicals and genetic engineering from these products and the demand for equitable and sustainable incomes for workers.

That’s why you need a business partner like us who has the right knowledge and contacts to suppliers in the international biofruit business to meet the requirements that modern consumers make of the quality of your products while serving the burgeoning demand for variety and innovation in this segment.

Importer for various organic fruits

We’ve got a lot of enthusiasm for importing this type of ecological and biological fruits and fruit preparations at home. After all, what’s better than transactions where everybody profits - from the farmer right down to the producer - by offering consumers a healthy balance in their purchase? By the way, we also offer the entire scope of packaging in this segment ranging from deep-freeze, aseptic and dried forms, canned foods and even pouchpacks.

Darum mit uns
60 Jahre Erfahrung und Erfolg
Beschaffung aus über 40 Ländern
Großes Sortiment an Bio-Produkten verfügbar
Clevere Problemlösungen für ihre Produktion
Hochqualifizierte Mitarbeiter

In our product range Organic fruits

You can bet we’re a tested and certified trader in bioproducts in the following bioquality:

  • apricot
  • mangoes
  • peach
  • oranges
  • sultanas
  • pineapple
  • banana

We are always open to suggestions and enquiries. Just give us of a call and we’ll check the international market for procurement.

60+ years experience and success Use our expertise to your advantage!

If you want to get to know how we can become a valuable partner for your supply chain or if you have questions about our company please don't hesitate to get in touch with us!